Corporate Events
Fundraisers & Charity Events
Weddings & Morning-after Brunch
Bar/Bat Mitzvahs
Birthdays & Surprise Parties
Community Events
School Functions
Seasonal Celebrations
How Does
It Work?
All governmental guidelines are strictly followed with regard to COVID restrictions. All surfaces are disinfected and all staff wear masks at all times. Stanchions are used to maintain social distancing and all guests are individually serviced by a candy crew member. We graciously request all guests to wear masks at every event to ensure the safety of everyone.
The Movie Theater Bucket
The Movie Theater Bucket
Experience the ultimate movie night with Curbside Confections' Movie Theater Bucket! Packed with all your favorites, this bucket is perfect for enjoying a cinematic experience from the comfort of your home including all of the traditional movie theater classics!.
The Movie Theater Bucket Bucket:
- Popcorn
- Skittles
- Sno Caps
- Milk Duds
- Starburst
- Swedish Fish
- Mike & Ike
- Haribo Gummy Bears
- M&Ms
- Whoppers
- Dots
- Runts
- Twizzlers
- Raisinets
- Sour Patch Kids
- Kit Kat
- Jujyfruits
- Junior Mints
Grab your popcorn, settle in, and enjoy the show with Curbside Confections' Movie Theater Bucket – the perfect treat for your movie nights!
*If any items are out of stock from your order, we will replace with the closest substitution.